Thursday, August 25, 2011

Homeschoolings Never Dull

We have so much fun during the day while doing school... now don't get me wrong we definitely have our moments where it's going FAR from perfect but for the most part I am just thankful for the privilege of teaching my children each and every day. This is our 11th year of homeschooling and I just can't even believe it. Hannah was so easy when we started. She picked up on everything so quickly and then the boys came along and wow is that a different story. I'm not saying they're dumb or anything like that it just brought about new challenges and different teaching styles I had to come up with. Another reason homeschooling is so great... the fact that you can teach each individual child in a different way because they have different learning styles. Believe me I still don't have them all figured out and I probably never will but we are striving each day to do our best in raising our children up, first and foremost, to love the Lord with all their hearts, to serve Him and to love others. Here's a picture of Chloe explaining to me the seven days of creation. She colored and cut out all the numbers and she counts them and then explains each one. I just love this girl and how creative she is. Jacob never gives us a dull moment. He's all about the drama in every single way. Here he is sporting a mask that just happens to be Chloe's... but hey whatever it takes to make school good for him then I'm all in and this day it was wearing the mask... He's such a cutie:) Jesus said in Matt. 19:14 Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these!!

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