With our curriculum we are using this year it often includes a nature walk time and this day our friends Jade and Kamden were with us. So off we started. Nicholas and Jacob are making a leaf notebook so we stopped to investigate many trees:)
This vine growing up this tree has beautiful red flowers buy none of us knew what they were. So pretty to look at but not to touch. Ants were busy working all over them...
Of course we had to stop for a visit on the porch at Pa and Gran Gran's and have a Popsicle before we continued on our adventure.
Nick (and Boston) stopped at this lovely huge tree and decided to make it his first entry into the leaf notebook... This is a sweet gum at the entrance of our farm.. It's a real beaut!!
I love how the sun is shining through...
At the end of our walk we stopped to grab some ice cold water from Gran Gran. They have a beautiful old farmhouse. In the background you can see some of her lovely things.. She painted that bread box it used to be ugly brown and now it's a lovely blue and it looks great sitting under her green cabinets and next to that fat hen;)
I think that's a hummingbird vine with the gorgeous flowers