Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Busy Week

I haven't been able to post much this last week... It's super busy around here.  Seems that once we start school everything else starts too.  We are back to soccer, tennis, dance, play practice and many other things.  Our church did something awesome this year for labor day called Labor of Love and this past Sunday our church split up into many groups to do various projects for the city of Fort Smith.  A couple of them included litter pick up at parks, walking trail at an elementary school, praying for the lonely people going into bars and our project was painting a floor at the Lincoln Center, which is like a boys and girls club, where many kids attend everyday after school... Here are some pics of the work we did:)
This is what the floor looked like before!!

Here's all the stuff we had to move out of the room...

Dr. Paul Scrubbing those yucky sinks!!

Claire Starting to paint:)

Hannah working diligently;)

Joey... team leader:) keeping it all together!!

Getting the rest ready for paint!!

Even the outside got a little clean up thanks to Jennifer:)

Couldn't have done it without the help of these little fellers;)

Me and Claire working away...

All finished up... I thought it turned out great!! It was a lot of fun too. Excited to see what next years Labor of Love will be:)

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